Channel: Lytton Scott
Category: Music
Tags: bell melodytravis scott type beatfree type beattravis scottdrake trap type beatfree type beat 2022dark melodyfree trap type beat 2022rap instrumentaldrake type beatraptype beat 2022lil baby hip hop type beatdark trap type beatlil baby trap type beattype beatfree trap type beattravis scott trap type beatlil babytrap type beat 2022lil baby type beatenergetic trap type beattrap instrumentalyoung thug type beatgunna type beat
Description: Free Lil Baby x Travis Scott type beat "Doves and Dreams" - Trap type beat Direct purchase/download link: Official website/beat store: Email: * Free for non profit purposes only * This trap beat is full of energy and dark, dreamy vibes; it's the perfect canvas for a collaboration between Lil Baby and Travis Scott. Hope you guys enjoy the structure, as it changes mood considerably depending on the verses and chorus. Enjoy! Purchase/preview link for official "Venom" Drum Kit: #LilBabyTypeBeat #TravisScottTypeBeat #FreeTypeBeat Here is a link to similar beat: